New game DIY idea! It has all of my favorite attributes of good speech games: cheap, easy, flexible and has cute pictures. Really, what else are we looking for?
When I went to Target today, I was distracted by the dollar spot (as usual). I found the cutest Dr. Seuss border. Since one of my students with an ASD would probably spend most of the therapy session staring at the bulletin board (or tearing it down in excitement), using it as intended isn't a realistic plan for me. My next idea was to cut it up and make a game out of it.
Next I laminated all of the pieces and cut them out (again).
I like fairly small edges on my lamination so I typically send my cards through the laminator again to reseal the edges. It's also a great trick if after some student loving your edges open back up. Pop it through and you're good to go. I do this all the time and my laminator is fine. Since the laminating sheet is stuck to your card, the plastic won't wrap around the wheel and destroy your laminator. That's what happens when you put a page in backwards or cut the pouch first. I killed one laminator that way and am not ever planning on repeating that activity.
I cut of 3 individual borders in the pack for 24 cards. |
Finally, you have cards with cute Dr. Seuss pictures on one side and blank on the back. I am planning on using these by writing on the backs with dry erase markers.
I have so many ideas about how to use these cards:
1. Points games - write numbers 0-5 on the backs and see who ends up with the most points at the end of the session
2. Gotcha games - student collect as many Dr. Seuss cards as they can but if they get one with a star (sad face ect) on the back they don't get a card that turn and see who can get the most.
3. Articulation Word practice
4. Language activities with plurals and past tense verbs
5. Reusable reinforcer - students collect 5 or so pictures and then get to play a game or pick something from the prize box
6. Behavior visual, students start with three pictures and can earn and lose pictures throughout the session depending on their ability to follow rules
Dry erase markers make the possibilities are endless!
If you don't want endless possibilities use a sharpie on a few games - you get enough border in one pack for 80 cards and still have only spent a dollar.
Of course the secondary thrill is in having plenty of Dr. Seuss cards left over to give to my one student as motivators/stims.
How would you use these cards?
This is one of my favorite back to school finds. Has anyone else found anything they're particularly excited about?