Saturday, March 2, 2013

Where is Pool Party

This simple activity targets working on Where Questions, Locations and you can even start working on He and She!

The locations targeted are:
in, on, next to (both sides are included so you can talk about left and right), over, under, in front, in back/behind.

 18 cards featuring 6 different kids are included!

Grab this freebie in my TPT store! 
The freebie is back up - 10/7/2013 and will remain up.


  1. Is this activity still available? It is just what I am looking for =)

    1. Not at the moment. I need to re-license the clip art and am waiting to sell more of my possessive unit that has it in. Enough freebies have been given out that I am approaching the clip art limit and re-licensing will cost about $200.

    2. Replying so you get an email that the product is back up!
